
1100 plus carat stone 3 1475665002
karowe open pit
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United Nations Global Compact



Female Directors



Student Achievement Awards Presented Locally



Sustainable Community-Owned Initiatives



PDAC Environment & Social Responsibility Award

Lucara Diamond Corporation is a Canadian diamond mining company with producing mine and exploration licences in Botswana. Its key asset is the 100%-owned, state-of-the-art Karowe Mine in Botswana, which was fully commissioned in Q2 2012.

Karowe, which means precious stone in Tswana, is a large scale mine with tonnage and throughput upside. It produces large, high quality, Type IIA diamonds in excess of 10.8 carats, including the historic 1,109 carat Lesedi La Rona, and since commencing production, has sold 180 diamonds for more than $1 million each and 10 single diamonds for more than $10 million each.

Lucara is a member of the Lundin Group of Companies and is listed on the TSX Exchange, Nasdaq Stockholm and the Botswana Stock Exchange under the symbol LUC. Lucara complies with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme and received its first certification as a diamond producer under the RJC scheme in August 2017. Lucara is also a founding member of the Diamond Producers Association.

Social Responsibility

Lucara recognises that any mining project is finite, and therefore works to provide lasting, sustainable benefits in the communities where we live and work.

The company goes beyond job creation and payment of taxes. Recognizing the importance of education, the Company established Student Achievement Awards, presented annually, and has provided internships and apprenticeships at the Karowe Diamond Mine.

The Karowe Village Initiatives (KVI) was launched in 2018 to develop three sustainable, community-owned initiatives: an integrated farm in Khwee; an integrated farm in Mokubilo; and, a hardware shop in Mmadikola, with the projects operated as community societies or trusts.

In 2018, Lucara become a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, cementing its commitment to implement, disclose and promote its human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption principles.


In 2016, Lucara won the PDAC Environmental and Social Responsibility Award in recognition of its outstanding initiatives and leadership in preserving the natural environment where it operates.

Lucara continues to enhance its commitment to reducing water and energy waste, pollution protection and biodiversity conservation in accordance with its Environmental Policy and Environmental Management Plan, which is reviewed internally every two years. Where there are no existing sustainability standards, Lucara applies high standards guided by the Equator Principles and International Financial Corporation guidelines on good governance.

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August 2024
Lucara logo


ORIGIN: Canada

Rough Diamonds

Antwerp viewings

05 September 2024 3pm