Almost All
Tailings Re-Deposited On Same Marine Bed

Local Training Placements Awarded in 2019
International Mining and Dredging Holdings (Pty) Ltd (IMDH) engages in offshore exploration, dredging and marine mining activities as well as specialized vessels’ & tools’ design/manufacturing.
The Namibian subsidiary, Nutam Operations (Pty) Ltd (NUTAM), has been contracted by several license holders to undertake marine mining operations within Namibian waters and to sell the production recovered.
IMDH brings to market original marine goods of gem quality, recovered during exploration activities with the m/v The Explorer and mined by their specialist mining vessel, the Ya Toivo.
During the 2018 the m/v Ya Toivo has recovered 220,000 carats over 9 months of activity, with a production in excess of 250,000cts recovered during 2019.
IMDH is justly proud of its position in the market as the only group capable of handling, managing and implementing the full spectrum of activities involved in underwater exploration and mining by means of its cutting-edge fleet.
Social Responsibility
IMDH has established an on-going process of transferring commercial and technical knowledge to the Namibian and South Africa youth to generate a business and technical culture locally. In order to best accomplish this task, IMDH, through its local subsidiaries, has established cooperation agreements with local authorities and communities favouring training and employment. During 2019 IMDH has organized and completed 85 training placements (25 female/60 male) across a broad range of positions for its Namibian and South African employees.
The mining operations on the vessel are handled (on a 24-hours basis) in an environmentally friendly manner: the material mined from the seabed, once pumped on board, is sorted and processed without the use of any chemical product. Once separated, the tailings are re-deposited in the very same areas where the ROST was operating in order to leave little or no sign of mining operations, thereby supporting preservation of the biophysical environment. Benthic survey carried out during 2019 and laboratory analysis have confirmed the high rate of rehabilitation within a short period of time.